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Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

As if separating the art from the artist weren't hard enough, separating the art from the "art" is even harder.

What I mean by this statement is that it's hard to separate Dr. Seuss' classic work from the money-making marketing machines that Universal puts out every few years, starting with Ron Howard's hazy, mold-crusted adaptation of The Grinch.

It's hard to look at something like The Lorax and not remember the astonishingly inspirational, not to mention controversial, tale it's borrowing from. The Lorax was a stark, sometimes cold and dreary cynical story largely about a young man who learned of his tragic past -- and the nature of greed -- and sought to redeem the honor of his species.

It's also hard to forget the equally terrific short film adaptation that followed. But to glean any real enjoyment from this latest Seuss bastardization, one must erase the past. One must try, if they can, to forget The Lorax ever existed. Or simply pretend this version of The Lorax has nothing to do with the original one.

With that in mind, The Lorax is...passable. It's cute at times, occasionally funny, sports a decent message and tries to harbor some inkling of plot and character development beyond Seuss' original book. It's a babysitter for the ADD generation, with its rapid-fire pace, bright colors, 3D images and zippy action, you don't need much of an attention span to get the message of the movie, or to enjoy the film, for that matter. But make no mistake, a good film The Lorax is not.

Considering the film's commentary on environmental issues and excess and corporate greed, you'd think the marketing campaign would be a little more dialed back. But unfortunately, The Lorax is nothing more than a factory, a film made to entertain -- sure -- but also to sell toys, ride tickets, stuffed animals, soundtracks and other merchandise.

That's hardly a crime, of course. And I have no qualms with a film that's meant to inspire and entertain, while making money at it as well. What is troubling is just how tired and shockingly generic and bland the film is. Every scene feels like it was dissected and constructed by a team of marketing scientists hoping to perfect the term: cliche.

Every move is calculated. Every character is built on a borrowed template, like a Sim. Every casting decision, from Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Betty White, Danny DeVito and Ed Helms, feels obvious and cheap, each with their specific demographic or gimmick. Every newly crafted sequence or grating pop song is carefully pieced together to either fulfill some kind of genre or fan base or, in the case of the songs, deliver a disturbing amount of exposition.

In other words, The Lorax feels like it has no heart, no soul, no deeper meaning. It's just a cute kids’ film with a shallow message audiences will forget before the credits have even finished. And that's a shame. Dr Seuss' classic tale deserved better. Much better.

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax comes to Blu-ray courtesy of Universal Studios Home Entertainment. The film is presented in 1.78:1 widescreen, mixed in 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio. There are two BD releases for The Lorax -- a two-disc Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy/UltraViolet copy combo pack, and a three-disc combo pack which includes all of the above, as well as a 3D Blu-ray. For this review, we'll be looking at the two-disc release.

It should come as no surprise that the transfer and audio are outstanding. Mixing is aggressive and nuanced, with plenty of atmosphere and bass punctuating action beats and musical numbers. While dialogue sometimes sounds like it's coming from a sound booth, there's little to complain about. Same goes for the bold, colorful transfer. Other than a hint of motion blur, this encode is absolutely flawless.

Extras include a wealth of goodies for adults and kids alike. Adults can enjoy a feature-length commentary track, some featurettes, a deleted scene and three short films. There's some overlap with the kids, who can also enjoy additional featurettes, a sing-along and interactive activities, including a fun Easter Egg hidden on the main menu.

While none of the bonus material really stands out, fans of the film should get a kick out of the mini-movies, and those with an affection for computer generated filmmaking should enjoy the commentary track.

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax is a bit of a chore if you're fond of the original story or the original short film adaptation. When it comes to Seuss, producers would be better off making compilation films instead of stretching an already thin narrative to feature length, with perhaps three or four adaptations per film. That said, if your kid is seeking a shiny new piece of entertainment, show them The Lorax. It's cute. It's harmless. It's forgettable. But do your child a favor -- read them the original story as well.

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