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Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Remy LeBeau is back in action in a new ongoing solo series, much to the delight (or, in some cases, disdain) of many fans. Gambit #1 by James Asmus and Clay Mann aims to return the character to his thieving roots, which results in what is essentially a superhero heist comic. It’s a lot of fun, but convenient plot points , a lack of convincing motivation, and lackluster art production hold this debut back from being all that it could be.

Asmus frames this issue with Gambit’s sometimes excessive narration, which does little to offer up much insight on his character for newcomers. Instead, the narration serves the purpose of exposition, leaving a character that should be undeniably charming with his words falling flat. Thankfully, Remy’s dialogue doesn’t suffer from the same problem, and his interactions with the other characters – romantic interests and enemies alike – are bouncy enough to keep this book moving along at an enjoyable pace. It was strange, however, that Gambit’s typical dialect and slang only begins to appear about midway through the issue.

While the dialogue is mostly solid, Gambit’s motivation for returning to a life of heists is rather thin. Perhaps there will be more revealed in issues to come, but at this point, the only true motivation for Gambit’s actions in this issue – crashing a fundraiser held by a mutant-hating socialite – is apparent boredom and a desire for thrills. Even though mutant-prejudice is present in the issue, it’s importance is merely inferred instead of being used as a primary motivating factor for the character, giving his plight less weight to the reader. Additionally, the methods in which Gambit gains access to the target of his heist is rather convenient. Basically, the aforementioned socialite has a bizarre and complicated name, which Remy purposefully mispronounces when speaking to him in order to tape the man repeating it, later using the recording in a voice authentication system.

The other major drawback of this issue falls in the lap of the art team. Mann’s layouts are generally impressive with his storytelling succinct and creative. However, the pencil thin inks of Seth Mann suggests an attempt at a photorealistic style of art, which isn’t corroborated by the colors of Rachelle Rosenberg. She gives the book an almost watercolor-esque feel for a majority of the foregrounds, but all of the styles just culminate in a look that bleeds together and becomes muddied. Individually, the artists deliver some appealing work, but when it all comes together it just doesn’t click. That said, there are select wide shots and extreme close-ups that work incredibly well.

Though I’m not typically a huge Gambit fan, last week’s Hawkeye #1 proved once again that any character can anchor a book for any kind of reader as long as the writing is solid and the storytelling is sound. Sadly, Gambit #1 is a fundamentally flawed book that doesn’t live up to its concept. Hopefully, things can turn around in future issues with more cohesive art and consistent characterization.

Joey is IGN's Comics Editor and a comic book creator himself. Follow Joey on Twitter, or find him on IGN. He loves superhero pets so hard.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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